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Mental Health Advocacy

ACESO prides itself in taking a holistic approach to women's empowerment. We believe that mental health and mental health advocacy is a critical component to improve the livelihood of women in and around Mbale. 


In 2021 we trained women leaders in our community on Psychological First Aid, a tool to recognize emotional distress and provide support in difficult situations. With the help of our supporters, we hope to increase this program offering to allow for improved mental health knowledge in the community.

Nurse and patient smiling while they discuss treatment plan.

Mental health care is a critical component for women's empowerment.

The Problem

Issues such as gender-based violence, sexual assault, and deeply embedded patriarchal values severely impact the mental health of women in our communities. Women are afraid to speak up, afraid to seek help, and often feel powerless. By educating leaders in the community and by providing social work services at our Women's Wellness Center, we ensure that women get the mental health support that they need. 

Care Groups

In 2021, our Care Groups were formed with support from American Women for International Understanding. These groups gave 50 girls a place to meet every week and discuss issues related to menstrual health, goal-setting, and mental health. We found these groups to be deeply impactful in the lives of every girl participant. By providing women-only safe spaces, they were free to explore issues that truly concerned them and to find support for reproductive and mental health concerns. 

teenage ugandan girl in a therapy session with a ACESO social worker
ACESO staff member leading a workshop outside with a group of school youth.
ACESO staff showing their pride wearing I Am A Girl branding.
Background (pink)

Make a donation. 

Psychological First Aid Training was offered to 10 community members in 2021. We hope to provide additional training for all staff and additional members of the community

with the support of Donors like you. 

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